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Do you know Brandon Biggs?
We’ve covered him several times here before, and he’s become known as the “Trump Prophet” after he told the world President Trump would get shot in the ear….THREE MONTHS before it happened in Butler, PA.
If you want a refresher on that, read here:
INCREDIBLE: Christian Prophet Predicted President Trump Being Shot In The Ear THREE Months Ago!
That’s not the only thing he’s been right about.
In fact, we’ve covered him several times following that because he’s gotten a lot of other things right too.
Which leads me to the topic of this article.
A video that Biggs posted back in December of 2024 is suddenly going viral because people are realizing he just nailed another one.
Allow me to set the stage so you understand why this is so big…
In his campaign for President, President Trump promised to create a “Bitcoin Strategic Reserve”, which turned out to be a very popular campaign promise.
The crypto world rallied around President Trump and was a big voting block that helped push him over the edge into a second term.
But debates immediately sprung up about whether or not President Trump would actually follow through on this promise, because to be fair it’s a very big thing to do.
People debated whether this could happen, but almost no one was even considering one step further….that President Trump might create a Strategic CRYPTO Reserve involving multiple cryptocurrencies and not just a BITCOIN Reserve.
Almost no one.
Brandon Biggs did.
I’ll post the full source video down below, but watch this two minute clip from December 2024 showing Biggs describing how God showed him a Strategic Crypto Reserve with FIVE cryptos in it:
Brandon Biggs, in December 2024, prophetically predicted that five major cryptos would be the pillars of all cryptos.
In March 2025, Trump announced a U.S. Strategic Crypto Reserve, including BTC, ETH, XRP, SOL, and ADA. pic.twitter.com/DnuPHwwnHS
— Bull Diep (@DiepSanh) March 4, 2025
NOTE: overlaid on that video is a screenshot from Fox News showing the announcement by President Trump of the U.S. Strategic Crypto Reserve to include XRP, SOL, ADA and BTC and ETH. That image is superimposed on this clip and was not in the original video, just to be clear.
Backup video here if needed:
(HE ALSO… pic.twitter.com/c3qGNZqDEh
— 𝓐𝓶𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓮 (@_Crypto_Barbie) March 5, 2025
That was December 2024.
Now flash-forward to March 2025 and President Trump stunned the world last Sunday morning by announcing he will be creating a Strategic Crypto Reserve with FIVE cryptos in it:
Crypto BOOMS As President Trump Announces XRP To Be Added To Strategic Crypto Reserve!
Here is a portion of our reporting from last Sunday:
So I’m sitting in church this morning with my phone in my pocket, on silent of course, and all of a sudden I start to get phone vibration rumblings from alerts.
First one.
Then another.
Then many more….way more than usual.
Am I on a text chain that’s blowing up?
An emergency?
I waited for a bit because you don’t really want to be pulling your phone out during church, but eventually I decide to check to see if there’s a problem.
And I immediately see on the lock screen tons of updates from all my crypto apps.
I quickly click in and suddenly I see XRP is skyrocketing up.
And others too, but the biggest move seems to be in XRP.
I so badly wanted to dig in and read more, but I put it away, content to find out the news later on.
My guess was that the Ripple/SEC case had been settled or dismissed, but that actually wasn’t it I later learned.
It was better!
What happened was after weeks of speculation about whether President Trump would create a CRYPTO Strategic Reserve or just a BITCOIN Strategic Reserve, President Trump chose Sunday morning to announce he was indeed created a CRYPTO Strategic Reserve, in particular one that would include XRP, SOL and ADA.
Here was the announcement:
Not surprisingly, XRP soared from about $2.15 to almost $3.00….and my phone almost exploded in my pocket from all the buzzing!
The so-called “Bitcoin Maxis” have been pushing for weeks for a Bitcoin-only Strategic Reserve in a desperate attempt to give Bitcoin some advantage over other coins.
But that hope crumbled this morning, just as I’ve expected all along.
Hey, there’s a reason why I’ve been aggressively buying XRP at every chance I get since 2017!
Absolutely incredible to see this 8 years later.
President Trump then posted a second time about an hour later saying that BTC and ETH, as well as other cryptocurrencies, would also be included, but it was very clear this was an after-thought and not the main message:
Eric Trump pointed out how perfect it was to have the announcement come out over the weekend when so-called “TradFI” (Traditional Finance) is closed and sleeping:
So a couple notes….
First, Biggs says there will be 5 cryptos included and he makes clear later in the video that he knows what they are but he does not name them.
Critics will say it’s because he doesn’t know and needs to create wiggle-room in his prophesies.
Think whatever you want, I’m not here to convince you of anything, but Biggs says in his video he’s not naming them because God didn’t show him specific timing and he doesn’t want people running out and investing their life-savings into them.
I think that’s very wise.
If you keep watching the video though, he does mention XRP a lot and given his prior prophesies about XRP I am assuming (NOTE: this is just my assumption) that XRP is the one in the middle that was much stronger than the others.
I also assume that XLM, XDC and XTZ are some of the support pillars surrounding it and helping it run.
Again, all just my pure speculation.
Also, full disclaimer — I think I have been pretty clear about this since 2017, but since we’re always adding new readers around here and we just passed 5 million readers a month, I’ll give my disclaimer again. I have been purchasing many cryptocurrencies including but not limited to XRP, XLM, XDC, XTZ, BTC and ETH and many others since 2017 and I am long those names plus others.
Second disclaimer — nothing in this article is personalized financial advice for anyone reading this. I’m simply reporting on something I find fascinating. You need to do your own research, have your own prayer time, consult with your own advisors, and make your own decisions. Ok? Ok.
If you’d like to watch the entire video (like I did) so you can see all of this in context and watch beyond just a two minute clip, I have the full video for you here, and you can see via the YouTube timestamp that it was originally uploaded December 5, 2024.
hey, good morning family—praise the Lord.
Day 48—uh, we’re almost to 50, huh, Braden?
Yeah, almost, almost to 50. It’s a celebration—50 videos, not in a row but close.
We just want to say thank you all for joining us today and for all the new people; if this is your first video and you’ve never been here before, welcome.
And welcome to all the people who have been faithful and here for so long—we really appreciate it.
If you could like the video and subscribe if you haven’t already, click the notification bell—it would really bless us.
It helps us with the algorithm, and it truly does; every time I say something silly and you comment on it, it boosts that thing way up in the algorithm.
We laugh about it because I say, “Praise God for the comment you made today, Dad.”
That’s what Braden said.
“Hey, I’m glad you messed up today, Dad,” because it helped our video.
He watches all the analytics and everything, so it’s always interesting.
I don’t understand all that, but he does—he’s really smart.
Well, you know, I’ve had a lot of emails.
Diana says you had a lot of emails, asking about the Five Pillars.
Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve had people—not really educated about crypto—jump into something they don’t know, and they say, “Well, you told me to do it.”
I’ve never told anybody to do anything; I’ll stick by that.
I am not a financial advisor.
I tell you what the Lord has told me about crypto, about gold and silver, and how the Lord talks to me about land and all kinds of things—never really about stocks.
Every so often He’ll talk about stocks, but I’m not here to advise you on your finances.
I know there are some people who say, “Of course, you’re not,” but there are others who just don’t get it.
I am not here—this is, I’m going to say this—for entertainment purposes only, and I am not a financial adviser.
I’m not telling you to buy, sell, or do anything with crypto or anything else.
This is my opinion, and I’m entitled to it.
I believe in what the Lord has told me, and I say that you go out and pray and ask the Holy Spirit what He wants you to do with your finances.
Do not invest in something unless you’re educated on it; do not do anything with your money until the Holy Spirit tells you to.
That’s why I have to say this, because it’s very important that you know this.
It’s just something that I feel the Holy Spirit tells me to do—it doesn’t mean it’s for you.
What I pray about doesn’t mean it’s for you; everyone’s walk is different.
So whenever I’m talking about the Five Pillars, I mean five major cryptocurrencies that will be the pillars of all crypto.
There will be five—three that are very strong, with one being the strongest, one in the middle and two on the side.
Then it goes two more over, like this:
They were standing, each one like a pillar—a Greek or Roman column, a solid granite rock column.
The Holy Spirit showed me support systems on these columns—other cryptocurrencies that will line up with the function of those main ones.
There were probably five or so; I don’t know—each one in the vision looked like some of them had a little more than others, but they were all helping with the function of that main coin.
They propped it up, helping it stand, while I saw falling stars—other cryptos that did not have a real function, that were just like scams.
They started falling like stars, and it looked like internet code, and they were falling down until they no longer existed.
There were literally thousands of them in the vision that disappeared—I don’t know what happened to them.
Then I heard about governmental regulations—bills being passed to make it stable.
It was like the Wild West, and laws were being brought into motion to protect investors from scams.
Does that make sense?
There was, as I saw it, regulation coming in to put laws around it.
Then I saw “old money”—elderly people with big money—starting to put their money in because they felt safe.
Right now, it’s like the Wild West; there aren’t really any laws around it.
So, when those laws come, they will regulate it.
And look at this—I have to say, look at all the stuff that has happened even before Donald Trump was sworn into office.
It is like a rocket ship: you can see the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 countdown, the smoke, and then liftoff.
He’s not even sworn into office yet, and you see all the smoke, and everybody’s anticipating, wondering who he’s putting in the SEC, who will be the head—pro-crypto and all that stuff.
I don’t follow all this stuff; I don’t know it all.
All I know is I pray, and the Lord gives me visions, and I see things—but that does not mean that it’s for today or for five years from now.
I don’t know the time frame.
I was talking to Braden—we were discussing when Kim Clement gave his word about XMP and all the things the Lord had shown him, and that was 12 or 13 years ago.
So, a lot of people who would have tried to figure out what XMP was back then would have been totally disappointed when the lawsuit came in and it went down to like 15 cents.
XMP was, you know, XMP.
You have these prophetic words given by prophetic people who see in the spirit, but you never know the timing.
There’s depth perception to prophecy—you don’t know when you’re going to get the blessing of what they are seeing, the oak tree and all the things that he saw.
That word has not yet manifested; it’s still not at an all-time high compared to what I believe he was talking about.
That word was given so many years ago, so you have to use discernment and wisdom not to jump on a Holy Ghost bandwagon.
Listen to what men on the internet say—you have to hear inside of yourself.
I’m telling you, this thing is volatile: it goes up and down, up and down, and you’re wondering, “What’s tomorrow? Is it going to fall by a dollar? Is it going to fall by ten dollars?”
I don’t know—who knows?
You have to really know that the Holy Spirit is leading you to do something.
If you do it just because of what this prophet said versus that prophet, or this one versus that one—I’ve seen everyone, including my son, prophesying about XMP and other things.
There is a ton of prophetic work out there, and I’m not dogging them—I’m not here to correct or say anything about these people.
I’m just saying you have to be very discerning and watchful over what you’re hearing.
You might think you’re hearing something, but it might be coming from the flesh because, you know, “Billy Bob said it” and you want to make a viral video just because Billy Bob said it.
Whoever that may be—a well-known prophet with a lot of words—and then another guy with a few subscribers prophesies it because he’s trying to grow his channel.
There’s a bandwagon of prophets, and you need to hear God for yourself.
I saw five main things, and I saw regulation coming in—it wasn’t the Wild West anymore.
I saw stability; it was like an increase.
You have to understand: the Lord said to me the very thing that the body of Christ is trying to embrace right now leads to the mark of the beast—the very thing you will want to resist.
If you remain and don’t make the Rapture of the church, the very thing that many are prophesying for increase in their lives is leading into the mark of the beast system—a cashless society.
So you’re embracing something that you will later want to reject.
It’s crazy to me, because I know we’ve seen these things and heard about them—it’s part of the end-time system, part of what’s going to activate the chip.
It’s the technology behind what’s coming with the chip, and none of you are going to want that.
I don’t know—there’s so much to it in the spirit realm.
I would love to tell you about the other five pillars, but I can’t—I just can’t, because if I start going into all that, it becomes a huge topic.
I said, “Don’t put all your money into those,” because I already get emails asking, “When’s it going to do this? When’s it going to do that?”
I’m like, “Why would you do that? Only invest what you can afford if that’s what the Lord is telling you to do, especially with something so volatile.”
I work too hard for my money.
You know how much it takes to sell stuff on eBay—if you sell something for $25, you’ve got to sell a lot just to pay the electric bill.
Then you put something into crypto, and you’re risking it like going to the movies—money spent that might not come back.
It’s like buying fireworks; they blow up in the sky.
It’s fun for a moment, but you may lose everything—that’s what I’m trying to say.
It’s like a firework that could go off, and that’s why I know what the Lord has shown me.
We are just flesh, and we receive a perfect message in an imperfect vessel—a vessel that has flaws.
It’s like pure water coming from the Father but through a faulty pipe that taints it.
The water was pure when it came, but the imperfect pipe made it tainted.
So you have to watch what you’re hearing on the internet.
Does that make sense?
I have compassion for folks, but there are a lot of desperate people doing dumb things.
I had family members call, saying they’re going to put advances on their credit cards, and I said, “Hold on a minute—that’s not God.”
God is not a God of chance, and He is not a god of debt either.
He said to owe no one anything except to love them.
I’m telling you—I don’t believe in debt.
I do not believe in borrowing money on credit cards.
The only time I might think about it is for something like a car or a house payment, to secure a home.
But just borrowing on credit cards with high interest rates—folks, that’s a trap of the enemy.
It keeps you snowballed so you can’t be free in life because you’re trying to live above your means.
I always say, “If God doesn’t provide it, I don’t need it.”
That’s what I’ve told Diana a thousand times: if God doesn’t provide it, we don’t need it.
He will either give us wisdom on what we need or creative ideas to gain wealth.
He will give us wisdom and revelation on how to do it, and I believe with all my heart that if you sow a seed, you’ll reap a harvest.
I believe in that more than anything else.
I believe in giving into good ground, and the Bible says He will give us a 30-, 60-, and 100-fold return.
I believe that, and I’ve seen it time and again—when God provides for His kids, it’s not by chance.
That’s called seed time and harvest, and that is spiritual law.
You need to become as skilled at reaping as you are at sowing.
Reaping is a law just as much as sowing—because you can’t sow without eventually reaping.
You’re going to have the law of harvest just as much as the law of sowing.
So I believe in the harvest; I believe in a hundredfold return.
I believe that the Lord will bless our hands to prosper if He said He would do it.
He rebukes the devourer for your sake—I believe in that more than any kind of crypto.
I believe with all my heart that Jesus will provide for you and take care of you.
If you sow and believe, He will take care of all your needs—not a speculative investment.
So much has been said about dinar and network marketing and pyramid schemes—people promise riches if you sign up and recruit others.
I just say, “Why would you do that?” Only invest what you can afford if that’s what the Lord’s telling you to do.
I’m not here to sell you anything or ask you for money.
I have t-shirts and merch on the channel because people asked for it, but I don’t promote them.
This channel has always been, and always will be, about Jesus Christ and His coming—not about crypto or investments.
It’s always about Jesus coming back, and my heart is to always remind you that He’s coming again soon.
Get your house in order.
As for me and my house, we serve the Lord.
I had more to talk about today, but that took too much time.
Tomorrow I’ll talk about the man who flew in from the church in Australia to warn me about the vision of an EMP attack on America.
He felt the Holy Spirit told him to fly from Australia to Oklahoma—a long journey—to warn me about a Chinese company that bought a grain refinery on the Mississippi River.
If you go back to what I told you all, it was a barge floating up the Mississippi River.
This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.