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Folks, I am not joking or exaggerating when I wrote that headline.
I’m not guaranteeing you it will happen, but it’s not crazy and it’s not impossible.
In fact, it’s very possible, very realistic, and if you ask me I think the writing has been on the wall for quite some time.
I also think this is EXACTLY what Kim Clement told us about so many years ago about “a new David” and “the word Gold, remember the name”.
I think it’s all coming together.
With one flip of a switch, President Trump, Scott Bessent and Jerome Powell could SUDDENLY (hey, there’s that word again that Bo Polny keeps telling us about — Suddenly!) flip the world on its head and secure the US supremacy for decades and centuries to come.
I know that all sounds wild and crazy, but now I’m going to back it up and systematically show you exactly what I’m talking about step by step.
Buckle up, because we’re going DEEP!
Ok, let’s dig in….
It all has to do with the US Dollar and Gold.
Because one day your life and finances are going to change literally overnight. Almost certainly it will be a Friday, Saturday or Sunday night when the markets are closed.
And no, I’m not talking about some NESARA or GESARA nonsense….
I’m talking about an incoming “Gold Revaluation”, something I’ve been telling you about and warning you about for over two years now.
In fact, people used to laugh and mock when I first mentioned it, but they’re not laughing anymore.
Nope, now CNBC is telling you point blank this is almost certainly coming, and perhaps very soon.
Folks, I’m sometimes early but I’m not often wrong on big things like this. No one is perfect and we make mistakes around here from time to time, but I could see the writing on the wall about this clear as day for years and that’s why I’ve continued to preach so often about Gold and Silver around here.
Don’t forget that President Trump keeps trying to warn you as well — words mean things, and he chooses his very carefully….there’s a reason why he keeps telling you the GOLDEN AGE starts right now:
President Trump: “The golden age of America begins RIGHT NOW.” pic.twitter.com/2nN42e6snM
— George (@BehizyTweets) January 20, 2025
The Golden Age Starts Now
New Orleans & Pelosi on CNN pic.twitter.com/SFPQaZRK1X
— Real Life Footage (@RealLifeFootage) January 21, 2025
Are you paying attention?
Now here’s the latest, and this is where it gets REALLY good….
Here is CNBC telling you a Gold Revaluation is coming, and exactly how it will work:
Yes they are. pic.twitter.com/pTcUClEhJ7
— Ounces (@OuncesApp) February 11, 2025
Host: A Trump administration is in brainstorm mode when it comes to containing the massive budget deficit. On the table are ideas such as revaluing the country’s gold reserves and creating 50- to 100-year bonds. Investor Peter Bukvar is tackling the viability of these ideas in a note today. Peter, a CNBC contributor and the Bleakley Financial Group Chief Investment Officer, joins us now. Great to have you with us.
Guest: Hi Melissa.
Host: Explain to us the mechanics of marking to market the gold reserves and what that does for the Treasury.
Guest: So, in 1934, the Fed transferred its gold holdings to the Treasury and, in return, received a gold certificate. In 1973, that gold—which totals about 260 million ounces (roughly 8,100 tons)—was valued at $42 per ounce. On the books of the Treasury right now, the gold is worth about $10 billion. But in reality, with gold at around $2,900 per ounce, those holdings actually total north of $800 billion.
Guest: I’m hearing chatter in the Financial Times over the weekend in an editorial discussing the possibility that the Treasury, in collaboration with the Fed, might use gold certificates, a repo, or other methods to inject the difference between the current mark of $10 billion and a new mark of over $800 billion into the Treasury General Account. So why would gold go higher in that scenario? Well, it might at least put a floor under the price of gold. Now, what would push it higher? We’ll have to see.
Guest: I think there are still other factors at play over the last couple of years—such as voracious central bank buying and gold becoming a crucial clearing mechanism for reserve transactions. For example, China, with its trillion-dollar surplus, is recycling less into U.S. Treasuries and is increasingly turning to gold. I believe these trends will continue, putting a floor underneath and reminding people about the importance of gold in our current global financial system. It’s not necessarily bullish for gold, but it does shine a spotlight on its significance.
Guest: And while the bear case suggests that this maneuver might allow them to sell gold, I don’t believe that’s really what’s happening. If they were to sell it today, they would reap the mark-to-market gain, so it’s not about the current valuation—it’s about emphasizing gold’s importance.
Host: Can you speak to that?
Guest: They have no interest in selling gold. On one hand, the criticism is that it’s merely an accounting gimmick—a one-time injection of cash. But I think the administration is considering a variety of strategies to address our excessive debts and deficits. When Scott Besson said he was focused on the long end, he was not kidding; he’s exploring many different approaches to keep tenure in check and avoid a retest of 5 percent, because if rates blow through that, we could be looking at 5.5 or 6 percent. He wants no part of that.
Guest: And speaking of the long end, in your note you mentioned an even longer-term bond—a 50-year or 100-year bond. That idea was floated during the first Trump administration but never materialized. What are you hearing now regarding existing bondholders or Treasury holders being able to swap out for a longer-term bond?
Guest: Yeah, so this wouldn’t be your standard Treasury issuance of 50- to 100-year bonds, because liquidity in that market—as seen with the 20-year bond—is quite thin. Instead, it’s a creative attempt to persuade foreign holders of Treasuries to swap some of their holdings for 50- or 100-year Treasuries, which they would have limited ability to sell. The Fed might then create a facility allowing them to pledge these bonds if they wanted to repo them.
Guest: However, the Financial Times article mentioned that this could involve strong-arming some of our foreign partners into accepting this 50- to 100-year paper. It’s yet another brainstorming exercise aimed at restructuring our debt—and perhaps even converting it into zero-coupon bonds so that the interest expense is eliminated—in an effort to manage the current financial situation.
Backup full screen video player with captions:
CNBC (the MSM) Is Suddenly Telling You About a Coming “Gold Revaluation”
(we told you two years ago) pic.twitter.com/BhAWAOXfGO
— Noah Christopher (@DailyNoahNews) February 11, 2025
It’s such a genius plan!
And it’s just sitting there on a golden platter (no pun intended) for President Trump to add $800 BILLION to the US Treasury overnight with the stroke of a pen or a click of a computer mouse.
But $800 Billion is only what happens if they revalue to $2900.
They do not have to do that.
In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if we suddenly got an announcement from President Trump (and Elon and DOGE perhaps?) saying we’ve discovered that Gold and Silver have artificially been suppressed for decades and their true value is, let’s just say $25,000/ounce gold.
Of course I know many of you are well aware of the market manipulation the big banks have done with Gold and Silver for decades, but most people have NO IDEA!
And that imbalance of information is basically what I like to think of “legal insider trading”.
It’s why I’m so bullish on Gold and Silver here, because I’ve seen this coming a mile away. It’s not illegal insider trading because there’s no secret source I’m using. I’m just using my brain and listening to smart people like Andy Schectman who have been telling us how this could work for years!
I’m just paying attention — and I hope you are too.
Because none of this is unrealistic or impossible.
The very fact that CNBC is now talking about it tells you not only is it possible but it’s likely very soon to happen.
Remember when Kim Clement said the plan to defeat Goliath (the Goliath of debt) is so brilliant that only he could have come up with it?
I believe that there are probably multiple things that will all happen at the same time, but I believe this Gold Revaluation will be a big part of that brilliant plan.
And President Trump will be the man to make it all happen.
What could be more perfect than the man literally known for “Gold” — Donald Trump.
Here’s the clip from Kim Clement (starting at 1:55) — does it make sense now? It’s all right in there, clear as day. Watch:
Wow, wow, wow!
Like a beautiful, perfect puzzle, the pieces are all assembling together.
Now let me crank it up even one more notch…
I mentioned Andy Schectman earlier. The man is brilliant. There’s a reason why I’ve partnered up with him and his company, Miles Franklin. More on that in a minute, first I need to show you what he said.
This literally may be one of the most brilliant 12 minute video clips you will see in a long time.
This is Andy picking up where CNBC left off, and going MUCH deeper. He explains how the Gold Revaluation will likely play out, and it will blow your mind. It did for me.
He also explains how this literally could instantly pay off our national debt overnight. He’s not guaranteeing it will happen, but he explains how it very easily could.
Watch here:
Andy Schectman from @MilesFranklinCo nails it—gold reevaluation isn’t just possible, it’s inevitable. Trump’s team is bringing gold back into the monetary framework, directly tied to stablecoins on the #XRP Ledger. Connect the dots.
This is how they’re bridging the system with… pic.twitter.com/Lyvzr9WCm5
— Versan | Black Swan Capitalist (@VersanAljarrah) February 11, 2025
Andy Schectman:
That’s how it’s going to happen. On a Friday night, on a Saturday night, you’ll wake up to a new reality. On a Monday morning, a delivery failure—it’s gone. There is no more.
They’re playing the game because these countries are sophisticated, coordinated, motivated, wealthy as hell, and very shrewd. And they’re playing the long game—they’re draining the world’s exchanges right out from underneath us because our media is not just lame; they’re pathetic. They don’t do anything but create divisiveness. They don’t tell us what’s important.
How many people even knew gold was on par with U.S. treasuries and dollars, if it weren’t for guys like me screaming that it’s a tier one asset? Now, the only other ones besides dollars and treasuries—think about that. Why would the most powerful bank in the world reclassify it as tier one and not a damn person know about it? Hmm. And why would the central banks be buying it at a level the world has never seen? Hmm. And how about all these banks repatriating? How about the Bank of India, which just brought back one hundred metric tons from the Bank of England? They’re holding all their gold now. Why? What does it have to do with—think about a reset.
Think about a reset and how it would manifest itself into establishing trust. The Fed has it too. And in fact, you know, it’s interesting: Scott Bessenbt, the new Treasury Secretary (if he gets confirmed, which I’m assuming he will)—what’s his largest holding? Anyone know? Gold. He has publicly said gold is his largest holding. And all that would need to be done—as crazy as it sounds—would be for Trump to say to Scott, “Scott, tell Jerome to revalue gold.” No congressional approval needed, and bang—gold is revalued to a level sufficient to achieve what he wants.
Now, this is not crazy, y’all. This is not crazy at all. In fact, every four-thousand-dollar increase in the price of gold would add one trillion dollars, free and clear, to the Treasury General Account. Free and clear. Now, I’m not the only one talking about this—we hear more and more people discussing it every single day, people at a much higher level than I am.
Here’s where it gets a little bit… hmm—and that would be: what if they valued it at a hundred and forty-two thousand an ounce? Now, people would say that’s impossible, and I agree it’s pretty unlikely. Maybe— I mean, Bitcoin’s over a hundred thousand. Andy Hoffman, who used to write my newsletter, used to say to me, “Andy, you need to buy Bitcoin; it’s four hundred bucks.” I said, “You’re crazy, Andy. Who wants that?” I guess I was wrong. I guess a lot of people want it. I guess it’s possible—but if they made it a hundred and forty-two thousand and arbitrarily announced that all the central banks have been buying it, it would certainly benefit them, now wouldn’t it?
Immediately, our balance sheet is offset completely. It’s pristine at a hundred and forty-two thousand. I’m not saying it’s going to happen, but think about what would occur if they just let it get to that point—they stop suppressing it. None of us know what the real price of gold and silver is. They’ve been shorting gold and silver for so long—naked shorting, for example. Let’s look at silver in London right now: they have eight hundred million ounces on the LBMA, of which only three hundred million are unencumbered, while five hundred million belong to the ETFs. They trade between, well, there’s between four and six billion ounces short on paper—95 percent are paper contracts. They say they trade two hundred and ninety million ounces a day of the three hundred million float, but they also say that those numbers are ten times underestimated because they only post the final settlement numbers.
That’s two point nine billion ounces a day of silver by these eight or nine Western banks—three and a half times the annual global mine supply every single day. Almost three times the annual global mine supply every single day on COMEX. The prices are distorted; rehypothecation on COMEX is at seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, eighteen hundred, even two thousand percent. That would mean if twenty of you all hold a contract for delivery and you all stand up to cash it in—if you’re lucky, one of you will get the gold; the rest get cash-settled, force majeure. It is a blow-up of the system, just like that.
Could it happen? I bet it will. Don’t know when, don’t know how. Is it Bank of America? Is it Ted Butler—God rest his soul, who’s no longer with us—who said they have one billion ounces short silver and between 35 and 45 million ounces short of gold in the OTC market (over the counter)? Could it happen? I don’t know. You tell me—this has happened before, right?
In 1933, when Roosevelt confiscated gold, he revalued it. He paid everyone $20.56 for their $20 gold piece. Fifty-six cents in 1933 was worth a lot more than it is today—a lot more. So people were psyched. “Yeah, I got 56 cents extra.” Then he devalued the dollar by 40 percent, making gold $35 overnight. It’s happened before. It happened in ’69 when Nixon closed the gold window—but it happened by the market, right? It was $35 an ounce in 1971, in August when Nixon closed the gold window, and it’s $2,700 today. What would it be if they did not allow naked shorting on COMEX? What would it really be? A whole hell of a lot higher.
If the central banks weren’t the ones trying so hard to maintain the illusion of Western supremacy—well, you’ve got to step on the price of gold because there’s something called Gibson’s Paradox, which speaks to the inverse relationship between real interest rates and gold. And if you maintain a low interest rate environment for 20-plus years to create an illusion of prosperity, you better kill the canary. Step on the canary. And that’s what all the Western banks did, right? They would naked short gold, take the proceeds, and buy treasuries with it—make the spread, keep the yields down, keep the price of gold down—but they’ve been discovered. These folks know what they’re doing. But this time, they won’t confiscate gold—they’ll confiscate the ETFs.
And how about this one: how many of you know this? We all know JP Morgan paid a $920 million fine to the Justice Department for suppressing the metals market, right? The largest fine the Justice Department ever handed out, right? And the crazy part is, they were always allowed to be the custodian of the world’s largest silver trust. They made one billion dollars that year—three years ago—when they paid that fine. They walked away eighty million up, and they’re still allowed to be the custodian of the world’s largest silver trust. But how many know this? You know what just happened recently? Somehow, magically, they took over for HSBC Bank and are now the custodian—along with BlackRock—of SLV and GLD.
You want to confiscate gold? That’s going to be a problem when most of the world promotes, even communist China endorses, their people-owned gold. We’re the land of the free, the home of the brave, the center of free trade in the world—a bunch of crap if we confiscate gold and silver, right? How about the ETFs, which the prospectus doesn’t allow you to take the metal, and it’s held by the criminal cartel bank that suppresses the price of gold and silver—and they come in on a Friday night, you wake up Monday morning, “Holy crap, they closed those two accounts.” But the money’s in your money market account. Go ahead and buy whatever you want. The biggest cartel bank in the world—the one that suppresses the metal and distorts everything—is the custodian, along with BlackRock.
Now, you revalue gold and silver, you don’t go door-to-door to people’s houses like mine, who have NRA stickers on the front window. My point is, think outside the box here. If they wanted to do this, wouldn’t it be smart to have the massive stockpiles held in one location? And what would it be? Could it be a marriage between blockchain technology and gold and silver? I think it very well could.
The BRICS unit settlement token—we heard from Dilma Rousseff. Dilma is the head of the BRICS New Development Bank and the former president of Brazil. She said, “We’ve agreed in principle to a 40 percent gold-backed token—the unit, deliverable upon redemption.” Now, this is for the central banks and the commercial banks. They have something called BRICS Clear and BRICS Pay—BRICS Pay, which would be for B2B or for retail use, allowing people to use whatever currency they want in any of the BRICS currencies or any of the BRICS countries. That’s for the average person, but the unit settlement token is for the central banks.
And it would have happened—I don’t know if any of you heard about what the Bank of International Settlements did at the 12th hour. It’s right out of a James Bond movie. It’s espionage. Their innovation hub was working with China, Hong Kong, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates in the development of Enbridge, which is the cross-border payment system now called The Bridge. They changed the name. For four years, they developed it. It was operational—it is operational. They’ve already traded gold and oil between China and the UAE using the digital yuan, and it works.
And right when they were at their meeting in Kazan a couple of months ago, this idiot named Augustus Carstens—the head of the BIS, who looks like Augustus from Willy Wonka, only grown up—said, “Oh well, the BIS can’t be involved with any country that’s being sanctioned by the West.” It’s like he just realized that Russia is in the BRICS, and they pulled out at the 12th hour, embarrassed them, made it seem like it was something that was just not above board. That will crystallize the BRICS, and it will crystallize their desire to have a digital currency pegged—a settlement currency, not a common currency—a settlement currency pegged to gold. And Dilma Rousseff said, indeed, we’ve agreed in principle to this: a unit settlement token backed by gold, 40 percent deliverable upon request. Or maybe it’s what Judy wants—a fifty-year bond pegged to gold. She said to me, “Andy, I hope that they come out with stable coins pegged to this too.” This is a woman who knows what the hell she’s talking about. She has Trumps here; she will most likely be on the Federal Reserve, and she’s right.
But in either case—whether it be a digital currency pegged to gold, a bond redeemable in gold, or just the fact that every four-thousand-dollar increase in the price of gold adds one trillion dollars to our treasury, which is massively indebted—my belief is gold will be revalued. And if Trump is on the horse, it will be revalued, pegged to constitutional money like gold and silver; if he is the horse, then it’s going to be a CBDC, just like Klaus Schwab warned us about.
I will leave you with one last thing: question everything. Question everything, everything—and think about the last four years as to why we question everything. Like I said, 20 minutes is never enough for me, but thank you very, very much.
Backup full screen video player with captions added here:
Andy Schectman telling you how they’ll revalue gold overnight, suddenly overnight.
You’ll wake up the next day to find the world is very different.
Oh, and by doing this, Trump and Bessent and Jerome Powell COULD literally click a button and wipe out the national debt too….… pic.twitter.com/bEQHx25hQW
— Noah Christopher (@DailyNoahNews) February 12, 2025
I’ve warned you so many times before….
And I know a ton of you have taken advantage and gotten prepared. GOOD!
For everyone else, keep reading and I’ll show you how you could actually get a ton of gold right now, potentially for NO MONEY OUT OF POCKET!
Yes, really….keep reading:
President Trump May Use “Brilliant Method” To Suddenly Revalue Gold Overnight!
Peter Schiff: “Gold is going to be revalued MUCH higher than it is…”
Peter Schiff: “Gold is going to be revalued MUCH higher than it is…”
I’ve been telling you that you might want to get some GOLD for a while now…
I’m not a financial advisor, I’m just your humble reporter.
But someone who’s much smarter than me and is a professional money manager just said something that you have to see.
That would be Peter Schiff and he just said on MeetKevin’s podcast that Gold is about to be revalued MUCH higher!
Oh, and Patrick Bet-David loves gold too!
Check this out:
Peter Schiff: “Gold is going to be revalued MUCH higher than it is…”#GotGold ?@digitalassetbuy @DigPerspectives @realMeetKevin @PeterSchiff
READ THIS: https://t.co/8SfgaIbPgF pic.twitter.com/vmTuHQcAEY
— Noah Christopher (@DailyNoahNews) February 8, 2024
Here is a dedicated video player if this is easier for you to see:
Peter Schiff: “Gold is going to be revalued MUCH higher than it is…”#GotGold ?@digitalassetbuy @DigPerspectives @realMeetKevin @PeterSchiff
READ THIS: https://t.co/8SfgaIbPgF pic.twitter.com/vmTuHQcAEY
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) February 8, 2024
You can watch the entire interview right here if you like:
Two VERY smart guys, Peter Schiff and Patrick Bet-David.
Here’s more on Schiff if you don’t know much about him:
Peter Schiff is an accomplished American economist, financial broker, author, and stock market commentator with a significant influence in finance and investment circles. Schiff is the CEO and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital Inc., a brokerage firm founded in 1996, focused on international markets and securities. He has successfully expanded the firm’s operations over the years, demonstrating his acumen in identifying growth opportunities and his expertise in global financial markets.
One of Schiff’s major accomplishments is his prescient call on the 2008 financial crisis. He gained widespread recognition for his predictions of the housing market bubble and the ensuing financial crisis, which were made well before they occurred. His accurate forecast of these events earned him a reputation as a savvy investor and a keen observer of economic trends. Schiff’s warnings about the dangers of excessive debt and speculative bubbles have been validated by market events, reinforcing his status as a forward-thinking economist.
In addition to his financial career, Peter Schiff is an accomplished author, having written several books on economics and investing. His works, including “Crash Proof: How to Profit From the Coming Economic Collapse,” have been critically acclaimed for their insightful analysis and practical advice on safeguarding investments against economic downturns. Schiff’s ability to break down complex economic concepts into accessible language has made his books popular among both novice and experienced investors.
Schiff has been a vocal advocate for sound money and fiscal conservatism, often appearing on financial news networks to share his views. His advocacy for gold as a hedge against inflation and currency devaluation has influenced many investors’ strategies. Despite his sometimes controversial opinions, Schiff’s expertise and deep understanding of economic principles have earned him respect in the investment community.
Speaking of Gold being revalued in the future, we first told you about that three months ago:
“Gold Revaluation” Incoming? Price Could Be $10,000-60,000 Per Ounce!
“Gold Revaluation” Incoming? Price Could Be $10,000-60,000 Per Ounce!
One of the worst things our country ever did was to allow the Central Bankers to take of off the Gold Standard…
But it was the best thing to happen to the corrupt bankers, as they printed money to infinity and got filthy rich!
But….are they getting ready to flip the script on the public once again?
As the system they have completely destroyed through unlimited money printing is set to collapse, I’m seeing reports that they might be ready to go BACK to a Gold Standard.
Crazy right?
I have to show you this short 2 minute video from the Black Swan Capitalist who perfectly nails this.
And then keep reading for a solution YOU can implement right now to keep you and your family safe! And one way you can do it with NO MONEY OUT OF POCKET! Yes, really….
He says not only is the plan in place, but simulations have been run and if and when that happens it would result in a necessary gold price of anywhere from $10,000 to $60,000 per ounce!
For those not great at math, from today’s price of $1,955 that would be anywhere from a 400% to a 2,900%+ gain!
But not only that but there was one line that jumped out at me….
He said, quote: “Those who put their money in gold and silver will be just fine and make incredible gains, meanwhile those who trusted the Government and kept their money in US Dollars will be utterly wiped out.”
That rung very true to me.
When has “trusting the Government” ever paid off?
This is EXACTLY the kind of thing they would do, and revel in it!
It’s Ronald Reagan’s famous quote:
So with that in mind, watch this clip and understand what might be JUST around the corner….
Central #banks have been quietly buying #gold in preparation for a gold revaluation, which sets the stage for a new reserve currency
They’ve also partnered with #Ripple so they can #tokenize those reseve assets on the #blockchain where #XRP will play a key role in achieving this pic.twitter.com/4k793CNvD0
— Versan | Black Swan Capitalist (@VersanAljarrah) November 7, 2023
Backup here if needed:
So the question is, how do you set something up that takes the credit card away, but still allows governments to function? And if we went back to a gold standard, we’d have to do something like back the world’s currencies with gold at a certain ratio that was clear… pic.twitter.com/Dul6Kqr8OG
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) February 8, 2024
Ok so how can you get gold with NO MONEY OUT OF POCKET? Read below…
Gold is currently sitting at All Time Highs as I write this (and has been for weeks), so I thought it might be a good time to revisit this and make sure you had this information handy.
In the midst of covering politics, we also cover money from time to time…and while I’m not a financial advisor, I share what I’m learning in the hopes that it can help you and keep you and your family safe.
And that often leads me to covering Gold and Silver.
You know, what they have always called “God’s Money”.
He made it, they aren’t making any more of it, and it has always been highly valued as money from the beginning of time until now.
So I’m a big fan and I think it has the potential to do big things if, say, the U.S. Dollar were to suddenly collapse.
So that’s why I talk about it and why I want to make sure everyone protects themselves and your families.
So to answer the question of “what can I do?” it’s really quite simple: you need to get some #Gold or #Silver in your own possession.
It’s called “physical” gold and silver.
Not paper traded garbage on the stock exchanges that isn’t backed by anything.
Don’t touch that stuff.
And because I get asked so much how to buy it and what the best places are, I thought I would publish this and just get it out there for all to have….
I have two special hook-ups for you and these are the ONLY two companies I am proud to partner up with on Gold and Silver.
Both involve PHYSICAL gold and silver.
Because if you do NOTHING else, make sure you own “physical” gold and silver, not paper contracts.
The paper contracts (like stock ticker SLV and GLD) could very well go POOF one day and disappear or go to zero, because they’re not actually backed by the gold and silver they claim to represent.
It’s a massive game of musical chairs out there and when the music stops (and I think it will stop soon…) people who only own paper might find themselves owning something not worth the paper it’s literally written on.
And I know you’ll never forget it if I give you this GIF so….Let’s Get Physical:
Now…WHERE do you get physical gold and silver and how do you know it’s real and safe?
And that you’re getting the best price?
Oh, and how about personal one-on-one real customer service?
You know, like you were some Big Wig millionaire at Goldman Sachs who could just call their personal banker and get help?
That’s what I’m about to tell you.
I have two killer connections for you…
1⃣ The first is for purchasing gold and silver bullion, bars and/or coins.
You may recognize Andy Schectman from Miles Franklin.
He’s prolific on YouTube and just a brilliant guy, I’ve followed him for years.
I’ve partnered up with Andy’s company, Miles Franklin, and I’m really excited to show you what they can do!
In fact, Andy’s going to be coming on my show, the Daily Truth Report (follow us on YouTube and Rumble) in the future, and you’re going to want to make sure you don’t miss those.
Andy is a wealth of knowledge about the precious metals markets and crypto, and I’ve covered him here many times in the past.
Now I’ll get to chat with him myself, and I’m really looking forward to it.
I’m spoken directly with Andy and his team and they have assured me they will take very good care of anyone in the WLT Report family (that’s you!).
At Miles Franklin, everyone gets personal attention from their team of brokers and you’ll get whatever level of hand-holding you prefer. They’ll also customize a deal just for you, but you have to call them and tell them NOAH sent you! They’ll handle it from there. 1-952-929-7006
There is no minimum order size and no maximum limit.
I think you’ll love working with them, I already do!
You can reach them at 1-952-929-7006 and make sure you let them know that Noah sent you over, they’ve promised me the best of the best service and pricing for everyone in the WLT Report family.
(You can visit their website too, but best pricing is by phone)
That’s the cheapest and most economical way to do it, to stretch your dollar into as much gold and silver as possible.
You’ll get a personal phone call with one of their top brokers, personalized, white glove concierge service at no extra cost to you….whether you’re buying $500 or $50,000, they’ll treat you the same.
How about that!
No sales pitch, just real, actual help.
And the best prices you will find.
Ok, that was #1.
Now I want to tell you about option #2.
2⃣ An equally great company, I am so happy to be working with these guys is Genesis Gold.
This is for people who want to purchase real physical gold or silver in their IRAs (Investment Retirement Accounts).
You know what the beauty of that is?
Two huge benefits actually…
First is TAX FREE baby!
I’m not a tax advisor, but that’s a general oversimplification.
Never pay more taxes than you are legally required to pay.
And that’s why I love getting gold and silver in my IRA (and why I hold a large chunk in an IRA myself!).
Second is if you simply shift money out of stocks (like Peter Schiff recommends) and into Gold, it won’t cost you anything! No money out of pocket!
There’s so much to love about Genesis Gold, starting with the fact they are proudly and un-ashamedly Christina!
They call it “Faith-Driven Stewardship” and they put it right on the homepage of their website along with a quote from Ezekiel: