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banned pronouns

NEWS HEADLINES: Shocking Pronoun Ban in Schools – Battle Lines Drawn

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Texas school district takes bold stand, banning pronouns that don’t match birth certificates, sparking fierce debate on parental rights versus LGBTQ+ student protections.

At a Glance

  • Keller ISD in Texas adopts policy requiring teachers to use pronouns matching students’ biological sex
  • Parents must be notified and provide written consent for pronoun changes
  • ACLU opposes the policy, calling it unlawful and discriminatory
  • Similar policies emerging in other Republican-led states, citing parental rights
  • Critics argue policy endangers LGBTQ+ students’ mental health and safety

Common Sense Prevails in Texas School District

In a refreshing display of sanity, the Keller Independent School District in Texas has adopted a policy that requires teachers to use pronouns consistent with students’ biological sex. This decision aligns with long-standing societal norms and provides a clear, consistent protocol for educators. It’s a win for parental rights and a pushback against the relentless assault on traditional values in our education system.

The policy mandates that educators refer to students by the pronouns on their birth certificates, regardless of the student’s preference. It’s a simple concept: biology trumps feelings. If a student wants to use different pronouns, their parents must be notified and provide written consent. This approach ensures that parents are kept in the loop about their children’s decisions – a novel concept in today’s world where some educators seem hell-bent on keeping parents in the dark.

The Left’s Predictable Outrage

Unsurprisingly, the usual suspects are up in arms about this common-sense policy. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), ever the champion of progressive causes, has decried the policy as unlawful and discriminatory. It’s almost comical how quickly they cry “discrimination” when anyone dares to challenge their agenda. The school board, to their credit, approved the policy unanimously, showing a backbone that’s all too rare in educational institutions these days.

The opposition is equally vocal. As one student put it – “You’ve created an environment where fear and isolation might just become the norm for our most vulnerable students. I hope this brings you the kind of community you’re striving for, one where conformity is valued over compassion. Hate is not a Keller ISD value.” – Madison Hickman

Oh, spare us the melodrama, Madison! Since when did adhering to biological reality become “hate”? It’s this kind of emotional manipulation that’s poisoning our discourse. The real compassion lies in helping children navigate their formative years with clarity and consistency, not in encouraging confusion and secrecy.

The Broader Battle for Sanity

Keller ISD isn’t alone in this fight. Other districts have adopted similar policies. It’s part of a broader national debate on whether students should be referred to by their preferred name and pronouns without parental knowledge. Republican-led states are pushing for legislation that requires parental notification for name or pronoun changes, citing parental rights.

“Not everybody’s families are the same and not everybody’s families are going to accept kids exploring their gender identity and it’s going to make a difficult home situation for them,” – said Mary Anne Weatherred, a parent at the school.

This argument from Mary Anne Weatherred is precisely why we need these policies. Schools have no business facilitating a child’s “gender exploration” behind their parents’ backs. If there are difficult home situations, that’s a matter for family services, not for teachers to play amateur psychologist and social worker.

Standing Firm Against the Tide

Despite the vocal opposition, Keller ISD is standing firm. They’re even considering additional measures like separating gender-based activities by biological sex and basing travel accommodations on biological sex. These are sensible precautions that protect the privacy and safety of all students.

The left will continue to push their agenda, crying discrimination at every turn. But it’s heartening to see school districts like Keller ISD taking a stand for common sense, parental rights, and biological reality. It’s a small victory in the larger culture war, but an important one. Let’s hope more districts follow suit and put an end to the madness of treating subjective feelings as if they trump objective reality.

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