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If you need another reason to pull your children out of public school, here it is.
At an elementary school in New York, parents showed up to a board meeting in order to express their outrage at their children being allowed to see some very disgusting, explicit images from a so-called ‘LGBTQ pride’ book.
The book, titled The Rainbow Parade, contained several pornographic and disturbing images, including one of a naked person from the back — bare butt full on display — walking down the street and two men in full-on bondage fetish gear holding hands.
It was reportedly sent home with a 5-year-old kindergartner, as well as a fifth grader, whose parents were rightfully shocked and angry.
The book was also available in the school library, where any student could check it out.
However, when parents confronted the school board about it, the meeting descended into chaos until the board members actually walked out on the parents.
How despicable.
Take a look for yourself here:
BIG SCANDAL UNFOLDING in Penfield Central School District in New York:
A kindergartner reportedly came home with a book about attending an LGBTQ pride parade which included pictures of naked people and men in bondage fetish gear.
Parents showed up to demand an explanation and… pic.twitter.com/ogLmPd0yIW
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 12, 2025
What in the GROOMER is this crap?!
“The Rainbow Parade” which is currently REQUIRED reading in a New York GRADE SCHOOL includes depictions of a FULLY NUDE woman, niche sexual fetish costumes known as FURRIES, and a gay couple outfitted in leather BDSM (BONDAGE/domination)… pic.twitter.com/r2ciwNXOfw
— Stella X (@stellaaaaaax) February 13, 2025
Full text of that post:
What in the GROOMER is this crap?! “The Rainbow Parade” which is currently REQUIRED reading in a New York GRADE SCHOOL includes depictions of a FULLY NUDE woman, niche sexual fetish costumes known as FURRIES, and a gay couple outfitted in leather BDSM (BONDAGE/domination) attire. Students who are ASSIGNED this book were in grades 1 through 5 – meaning they are roughly ages FIVE YEARS OLD to ELEVEN years old. Parents in the district were understandably ENRAGED and let Superintendent Tasha Potter know: “If you think that that’s appropriate for children to see, then there’s something wrong with you,” John Feathers, a father, said at the meeting, according to WHEC, adding, “You need to have a mental evaluation. There’s no reason that should be in the schools whatsoever at all…You can see the guy’s BUTT is clearly out,” Feathers said, referencing an illustration in the book. “And then if you go over on this side of the picture, there’s two guys standing in BONDAGE right there.”
Here are some photos from the book that was reportedly given to an innocent 5-year-old child:
The two pages read, “The sidewalk outside is filled with people waiting for the parade to state. Everyone is wearing whatever makes them feel most like themselves. Even if that means wearing hardly anything at all.”
Sound appropriate for children?
Honestly, does that sound appropriate for anyone?
Watch this concerned mother call out the school board (before they walked out on her):
MUST WATCH: A mom calls out Penfield Central School District in NY board after her daughter was allowed to take out a booked from the school library called “The Rainbow Parade” which includes graphic sexual messaging including an image of a naked man.
We have a serious grooming… pic.twitter.com/kxKrKHHWcb
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) January 15, 2025
More from Daily Mail:
A school board meeting descended into chaos during an argument over an LGBTQ pride book that was made available to children in kindergarten.
The book, titled ‘The Rainbow Parade’, illustrates a young child and her two moms attending a pride parade together, where they see men in bondage holding hands and a near naked person walking the streets alone.
Outraged parents from Penfield Central School in New York attended a board meeting on Tuesday night in an effort to voice their concerns, but were shut down by officials who refused to listen.
‘If you think that that’s appropriate for children to see, then there’s something wrong with you,’ parent John Feathers fumed.
‘You need to have a mental evaluation. There’s no reason that should be in the schools whatsoever at all.’
He noted that one page of the book shows a ‘butt is clearly out.’
‘And then if you go over on this side of the picture, there’s two guys standing in bondage right there.’
Superintendent Tasha Potter was confronted by boos and shouting from parents gathered in the crowd as she conducted the meeting.
‘We have the policy in place. The procedures in place to object [to learning materials],’ she said.
Parents began shouting their concerns from the crowd as she said: ‘That is not how you object.’
‘We will ask people who cannot do that to be removed. We are here at our board meeting. We’re conducting our business.’
That comment sparked outrage from the crowd, who booed Potter and the rest of the board as they got to their feet and walked out of the room.
‘It’s our board meeting,’ one parent shouted over the chorus of boos.
The board were called ‘chickens’ and ‘cowards’ as they left.
‘The school board is just leaving. They’re just leaving,’ one outraged parent said. ‘How do you just leave a school board meeting with a packed room?’
In case you’re curious, here’s the author responsible for writing this sick, pedophilic book:
This is the author of the book in question “The Rainbow Parade.” She says as a kid, she loved going to pride parades with her moms and her queer family. pic.twitter.com/31klAxJzi6
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 12, 2025
This is beyond derangement.
To put it bluntly, this is child abuse.
The school board and school district need to be held accountable for exposing children to such indecent, pornographic material.
The school should definitely be prosecuted for this.
That needs to start happening immediately.
Children are being ab*sed by this.
— Paul A. Szypula
(@Bubblebathgirl) January 15, 2025
We cannot allow for this kind of indoctrination and grooming of our children.
Our education system needs a complete overhaul. These people cannot be trusted with our children.
Withhold all funding from this school.
This is why the Department of Education needs to be defunded and eradicated
— sKorch
(@sKorchDaddy) February 12, 2025
I truly hope things will change with our schools underneath President Trump’s new administration.
In the meantime, it might be a good time to consider private or homeschooling, if you’re not already.
— Jeff Mack (@JeffMack55) February 12, 2025
Democrats Release ANOTHER Sick Porno Ad [WARNING: Graphic and Gross]
Democrats Release ANOTHER Sick Porno Ad [WARNING: Graphic and Gross]
Democrats seem obsessed with bodily functions….
“Tampon Tim” and his wife are literally nicknamed “Tampon Tim” because he can’t stop talking about…..tampons.
Very strange.
And the people making ads for Democrats in this Presidential Election keep making ads about….porno. Or watching porno. Or being in a porno.
It’s all quite disturbing.
I guess this is all they know?
How to be gross?
I don’t really want to give this any more attention than it deserves but take a look for yourself:
This is a democrat ad… 🤦🏻♂ .
Be mindful if you have children around you.
These ads, paid for by the Progress Action Fund, are reportedly being displayed on streaming services in swing states. pic.twitter.com/v85v8Fa6aZ
— Noah Christopher (@DailyNoahNews) October 31, 2024
Full screen video player here:
This is a democrat ad…
. Be mindful if you have children around you.
These ads, paid for by the Progress Action Fund, are reportedly being displayed on streaming services in swing states. pic.twitter.com/v85v8Fa6aZ
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) October 31, 2024
Did we all really need to see that?
Do my kids need to hear that when the TV is on?
Class it up, Democrats….you’re better than this, or at least you should be!
And if that wasn’t bad enough, I think their first one was worse.
I don’t know, it’s hard to tell.
RELATED REPORT — these are the ads they show the adults in a Presidential Election, but this is what they’re showing your kids in public schools:
Heads Up Parents, These Are The Porno Vids They’re Showing Your Kids In School
Heads Up Parents, These Are The Porno Vids They’re Showing Your Kids In School
Heads up parents!
Do you know what your kids are being shown in school?
In “Health Class”?
I’ll show you.
Take a look right here and you tell me if you think this is age-appropriate for 5th graders:
Ohio Parent is Horrified by the videos being played for 5th graders…
I’ve been talking about the disgusting videos Amaze Videos makes for the public school system for a few years now.
These sexualized Lesson Plans make its way into the public school system through a group… https://t.co/xU4ZLTNqB5 pic.twitter.com/6hZz1SUT4U
— MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) September 11, 2024
Ohio Parent is Horrified by the videos being played for 5th graders…
I’ve been talking about the disgusting videos Amaze Videos makes for the public school system for a few years now.
These sexualized Lesson Plans make its way into the public school system through a group called “Advocates for Youth”…
I’m so glad this is getting attention now… keep sharing.
Homeschool if you can.. but inform every parent you come in contact with. This is not ok.
Backup here on Rumble if needed:
Is this ok with you?
How about the gender identity videos for older grades?
I suppose it’s better than this:
BANNED VIDEO Shows How Schools Are Instructing Children Age 4-9 To Masturbate
What is going on?
This is the second story today I’ve covered about schools hyper-sexualizing students.
In some cases VERY young students.
According to StopWorldControl.com the video below was banned from Rumble:
Although it was banned from Rumble, I have a copy.
WARNING: this is disgusting stuff what these people are doing.
Watch here at your own risk:
BANNED VIDEO shows how schools are instructing children to masturbate…
WARNING: this is UN Agenda 2030…and it’s sick!#BannedVideo #UN #Sick #Children #SaveTheKids pic.twitter.com/X7sGRDLwcZ
— Noah Christopher (@DailyNoahNews) June 1, 2023
Here’s more from StopWorldControl:
This evidence report reveals how the World Health Organization and United Nations are sexualizing little children in primary education worldwide, for the purpose of normalizing pedophilia. This report consists of nothing but solid evidence, with many official documents, videos, books, archives, etc. All PDF documents may be downloaded from the references section at the end of this report.
“Little children are sexual beings who must have sexual partners and begin with sex as soon as possible. For this reason, kindergartens and elementary schools must teach children to develop lust and sexual desire, learn masturbation, build same-sex relationships, use online pornography, and learn different sexual techniques such as oral sex.”
The above is a paraphrased summary of the official guidelines issued by the World Health Organization and the United Nations to educational authorities worldwide. Meanwhile, judicial organizations are issuing statements that sex between little children and adults should be legalized, while media outlets and political parties are calling for the acceptance of pedophilia as a “normal sexual orientation”.
Equipping children to have sexual partners
The United Nations has issued the document “International Technical Guidance on Sexual Education”.1 It is the official guideline for elementary schools around the world. The goal of this document is described on page 16.
In their own words:
“It aims to equip children…
to develop sexual relationships”.
On page 17, the United Nations explains that this guide is intended to help children build relationships with romantic or sexual partners.
In their own words:
“These skills can help children
form relationships with… sexual partners.”
On page 71, educators are instructed to teach little kids from the age of 5 about kissing, hugging, touching and sexual behaviors. 9-year-old children are to be taught about masturbation, sexual attraction and sexual stimulation.
Teaching little kids to have sex
The agenda to ensure that little children have sexual parters is being further developed by the World Health Organization. Their document, “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe”,2 contains the following instructions for kindergartens and elementary schools:
︎ Children between 0 and 4 years must learn about masturbation and develop an interest in their own and others’ bodies.
︎ Children between 4 and 6 years must learn about masturbation and be encouraged to express their sexual needs and wishes.
︎ Children between 6 and 9 years must learn about sexual intercourse, online pornography, having a secret love and self-stimulation.
︎ Children between 9 and 12 years should have their first sexual experience and learn to use online pornography.
The WHO instructs teachers worldwide to educate 9-year-old children about having sexual intercourse for the first time, how to experience sex using the internet and mobile phones, and learning different sexual techniques.
School video instructs kids
to begin masturbating
The following video is part of a European school program that works closely with the World Health Organization and United Nations to implement their agenda in schools nationwide. It is a real-world example of the execution of these guidelines, in this case, in The Netherlands. The video shows how children are encouraged by teachers to begin masturbating. This video was distributed to many thousands of schools as part of the WHO “comprehensive sexuality education” program, whose objective is that children should start having sex as early as possible.
The publisher of this video, the Rutgers Foundation, operates in 27 nations, is a close partner of the WHO and UN, and is funded by Bill Gates and Planned Parenthood.6
The language spoken in the video is Dutch, but please be aware that this is a real-life example of the execution of an INTERNATIONAL agenda of the World Health Organization and the United Nations, therefore this will be coming to public schools in every nation of the world.
GRAPHIC: California Teacher Caught On Camera Teaching Students How To Enjoy Anal Sex
Warning: this is a graphic post.
You may have surmised that much from the headline, but I’m giving you a second warning.
Ok, we good?
Continue at your own risk.
But that’s kind of the point right?
If I have to put a warning on this article for you adults to read it, then why are we ok with it in our schools?
And yes I realize this is high school and no I’m not against Sex Education.
But since when did Sex Education involve being taught how to enjoy anal sex and stimulate the prostate?
That’s Sex Ed now?
I’ll say this too…this teacher may just be doing her job.
She may just be teaching the curriculum she was given.
I don’t know.
So you tell me: you ok with this being taught in school?