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LAWFARE 2.0 – NY Attorney General Letitia James FILING SUIT Against Trump Administration! * * by Joshua C.

NEWS HEADLINES: LAWFARE 2.0 – NY Attorney General Letitia James FILING SUIT Against Trump Administration! * * by Joshua C.

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In an almost unbelievable turn of events, New York Attorney General Letitia James is once against bringing suit against President Trump.

AG James announced a short time ago through a video release that she would be bringing the suit along with other Democrat Attorney Generals.

The ‘reasoning’ behind the suit may be the most amazing part of this story.

The suit is being brought because President Trump ordered a freeze of all federal funding including social security, Medicare, SNAP, and federal grants.

The amazing part… is the Trump Administration has already debunked that statement as completely false.

But check out the announcement made by AG James.  I really want you to watch her face, and see the loathsome anger towards President Trump almost oozing out of her skin.

She literally hates him for no other core reason than he is Donald Trump, and he won the presidency — TWICE.  (At least…)

Watch the announcement here:

Here’s the full screen player for easier viewing:

The false story has been picked up by the mainstream (corrupt) news media, and treated as if it were true.

There was in fact a freeze on federal funds across the board — except for Social Security, Medicaid, Snap, and federal grant payments.

Add in the fact that the Medicaid portal has been offline almost all day — and the story easily becomes believable, regardless of the attempts to correct the inaccurate reporting.

Here is just one of the many instances President Trump’s Press Secretary attempted to bring clarity to minds intent on believing the lie:

Charlie Kirk shared a longer version of Karoline Leavitt explaining at length the details, which includes the initial question from a reporter.

Still… it seems no amount of explanation can change the mind of a person who doesn’t wish to have their mind changed.

Just to give you a good look at how corrupt the media is, here is ABC’s Good Morning America knowingly reporting lies.

And I can think of no other reasons for them to do that other then ineptitude (they aren’t THIS inept), or intentional deceit.

This is intentional deceit.

And so you know why I am so certain that this is intentional deceit intended to make President Trump look bad and create the premise by which another round of lawfare junk lawsuits can be filed against him and his administration….

Check this out — the explanation for the anticipated concern about Social Security, Medicare, SNAP, and federal grant payments was ALREADY INCLUDED in the information detailing how the Executive Order would integrate with existing mechanisms!

I’m going to go out on a very broad, very sturdy, exceptionally stable log and make this as clear as possible — lawfare 2.0 has begun, and this was a concerted effort from the beginning.

These people know the answers to these questions.  They didn’t just fall off the turnip truck.  And they know exactly what they are doing, by design.

Several media institutions, and Letitia’s gaggle of state lawyers, are interpreting the funding freeze as potentially impacting the very things the Trump Administration is insisting it does not impact, according to a report by Newsweek:

The Trump administration’s recent order to temporarily freeze federal funding has drawn significant criticism and concerns about its wide-reaching implications. The memo, issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), halts payments for federal financial assistance programs, potentially affecting trillions of dollars allocated to health care, food assistance, education, and more.

The freeze, which will go into effect at 5 p.m. on January 28, does not include Medicare or Social Security benefits but leaves ambiguity around other critical services like Medicaid and SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program).

The OMB memo mandates a pause on federal grants, loans, and financial assistance programs while agencies review their alignment with President Donald Trump’s executive orders. These directives aim to curb funding for initiatives deemed inconsistent with the administration’s priorities, such as climate projects, diversity programs, and equity-based initiatives.

A portion of the memo labeled spending on specific initiatives as a “waste of taxpayer dollars.” It emphasized reallocating funds to better serve the “day-to-day lives of those we serve.” However, this decision leaves SNAP, which serves about 41 million Americans, and similar programs vulnerable to potential interruptions.

While the administration insists the funding freeze does not apply to direct payments like Social Security and Medicaid, SNAP benefits are in a gray area. Experts interpret the ambiguous language in the memo as potentially impacting programs administered through state and local governments.

The never-deceitful (ALWAYS HONEST!) Chuck Schumer stood with cameras rolling, knowing that his words would carry weight… and lied straight to the American people as if he didn’t have a shred of decency or conscience.

I would contend at this point that he doesn’t have either.

Watch this:

And the snowball grew, and grew, and grew.

Fetterman, who I have come to halfway expect to be reasonable and logical from time to time really let me down on this one.

He, too, carried the water like a good little Democrat Senator.

And you knew without looking that Bernie would chime in with an authoritarian warning.

President Trump instituted a freeze on federal funding, except on payments going directly to individuals, in order to audit the out of control spending; which LEADS a nation to authoritarian rule as a final symptom of that sickness…

And Bernie Sanders titles his statement:

“Sanders Statement on Trump Moving Closer Towards Authoritarianism”

The fact that the accusations aren’t true isn’t important.

The fact that AG Letitia James will never be able to make these charges stick is beside the point.

The fact that all the evidence anyone needs to prove these accusations false is right in front of our eyes, with no ambiguity except that which the mainstream media and state AG’s obviously inserted to the degree they could file the suit and have a wave of scared people praying that the labor of these AG’s will be enough to halt the Hitler-Trump in his tracks before it’s too late — also, not the point.

But, the point is obvious.

For nine straight days, President Trump has not only made Biden’s 4 years in office look bad by comparison; but he has accomplished a whirlwind of EFFICACIOUS PROGRESS in returning this country back to the right track, on the order of nothing anyone has ever seen before.

It is incomparable, except to contrast the difference.  There is nothing “like it” in American history, much less our lifetimes.

Nine days… of Donald Trump; PRESIDENT TRUMP… winning.  Hugely.  To a degree that I don’t think ANY of us truly expected how incredible this would be.  And there’s no end in sight.

Nine days… of Trump, Trump, Trump!  USA! USA! USA!

And they NEEDED to bring that momentum to some sort of an end.

I’m telling you… that was what this is about.  Nothing more.

And if I’m right, the question then becomes CAN THEY DO IT?  Can they arrest the momentum of forward progress that President Trump is building and increasing every single day?

I doubt it.  Because there’s one problem that is even harder to overcome for the progressive left, the Trump-hating democrats, and the RINOs in Congress than their corruption; and that’s their ineptitude.

They suck.

They aren’t CAPABLE.  They don’t have true ABILITY.  The aren’t SKILLED.  They aren’t POTENT.

And that hurts your cause whether you’re the good guy, or the bad guy, or somewhere in between.

Can they halt President Trump’s astronomic rise in popularity and effectiveness?

Can they lawfare President Trump to death with ‘Trumped’ up charges to the degree that they stop him?

As one philosopher poet so eloquently stated… you can’t fix stupid.

So, I doubt it — or they would have done it already.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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