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Here’s The Ad President Trump Should Run….The View Made It For Him! * * by Noah

NEWS HEADLINES: Here’s The Ad President Trump Should Run….The View Made It For Him! * * by Noah

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The View just created the perfect ad for President Trump when Kamala Harris was on the show…

No edits needed, just slap the “I’m Donald J. Trump and I approve this message” at the end of it and he doesn’t have to spend a dime with an ad company.

So funny!

Watch here, it’s short:

Hey, no one ever accused her of being SMART!

You gotta love it folks….


Whoopi Goldberg MELTS Down After President Trump Tells A Story About her

President Trump really seemed to get under Whoopi Goldberg’s skin recently when he told a story about a time he hired her to do a comedy set as his casino.

Let’s just say the story did not end well for Whoopi, and news got back to her.

So the broads from The View did a whole segment on it and it was massive CRINGE.

Watch here:

Is it just me or did she seem really off balance in her reply?

Almost like a fighter that took a nasty punch and was seeing stars?

She seemed almost confused about how to reply, jumping back and forth between anger and (failed) attempts at comedy.

Whoopi, you’re a comedian….try being funny!

And Sunny Hustin or whatever her name is, her bit was downright creepy!

It reminded me of when Joe Biden does that creepy whisper voice.

What the hell was that?

They all have severe anger issues if you ask me!

Here’s more from Collin Rugg:

JUST IN: Whoopi Goldberg loses it after Donald Trump humiliated her at a rally by calling her and The View co-hosts “demented.”

At his recent rally, Trump told a story about how he could never hire Whoopi Goldberg again because she was so bad.

The comment appeared to get under Goldberg’s skin.

After Whoopi’s rant, co-host Sunny Hostin did her best to not show her anger and “thanked” Trump for “providing us with material on a daily basis.”

“Donald Trump. I want to thank you for personally telling so many lies and committing so many alleged crimes and providing us with material on a daily basis. You help us do our jobs and I’m so appreciative.”

It’s not the first time Whoopi has melted down about President Trump:

Donald Trump Sends Whoopi Goldberg Into Another Meltdown

Whoopi Goldberg and Joe Biden Joke About EXTERMINATING President Trump!

Whoopi Goldberg and Joe Biden Joke About EXTERMINATING President Trump!

So, just a few weeks after the SECOND assassination attempt on President Trump, guess what Whoopi Goldberg and Joe Biden are up to?

Joking about killing President Trump.

So funny, right?

First, Whoopi says he’s like a bug that just won’t go away and then Joe Biden smacks his hand down on the counter.

How hilarious!

Except….it’s not.

Not at all.

I’m so sick of these people!

Is this inciting violence?

Whoopi Goldberg compares Trump to a bug.

Biden then imitates smashing a bug d*ad on the table.

Hosts and audience laugh.

Is this incitement to violence? Just imagine if Trump did this

Ask yourself how the Media would respond if Kamala Harris had nearly been shot twice and then President Trump did this….

They would lose their minds!!

Watch more here:

Is this acceptable behavior for either of them?

Joe Biden looks completely senile and lost to be there, but he sure didn’t miss this opportunity to “fake kill” Trump.


This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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