NEWS HEADLINES: Governor’s Gun Ban Crumbles – Liberals in Disbelief

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New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s controversial gun restriction order crumbles under constitutional pressure, exposing the fragility of leftist attempts to undermine the Second Amendment.

At a Glance

  • Governor Lujan Grisham’s emergency order suspending gun rights in Albuquerque faced immediate backlash and legal challenges
  • U.S. District Court Judge David Urias granted a temporary restraining order, blocking the governor’s unconstitutional suspension
  • The order received bipartisan criticism and was labeled “insanely unconstitutional”
  • State law enforcement officials and the Attorney General refused to enforce or defend the order
  • The governor’s retreat highlights the resilience of Second Amendment rights against overreaching government control

Governor’s Unconstitutional Overreach Backfires

In a stark reminder of the left’s relentless assault on our constitutional rights, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s attempt to suspend the Second Amendment in Albuquerque has spectacularly imploded. The Democrat governor’s brazen overreach, cloaked in the guise of public safety, serves as a chilling example of how quickly our freedoms can be threatened by those sworn to protect them.

The governor’s initial order, which banned both open and concealed carry in Albuquerque and surrounding Bernalillo County for 30 days, was met with immediate and fierce opposition. This knee-jerk reaction to recent criminal activities exposed the left’s go-to strategy: punish law-abiding citizens for the actions of criminals.

Bipartisan Backlash and Legal Challenges

The backlash against Lujan Grisham’s order was swift and came from both sides of the political aisle. Even fellow Democrats and major gun control organizations distanced themselves from this blatant constitutional violation. The order was quickly labeled “insanely unconstitutional,” a rare moment of clarity in today’s politically charged climate.

“Her oath to uphold the Constitution isn’t ‘intended to be absolute,’ and that there is some sort of public health emergency exception to the Constitution when it stands in the way of her preferred gun control policies.”

U.S. District Court Judge David Urias, recognizing the grave threat to constitutional rights, granted a temporary restraining order blocking the governor’s suspension of gun rights. This judicial intervention underscores the critical role our courts play in safeguarding our liberties from governmental overreach.

Law Enforcement Stands with the Constitution

In a refreshing display of integrity, state and local law enforcement officials, including Albuquerque Police Chief Harold Medina and Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen, refused to enforce the unconstitutional order. Their principled stance serves as a powerful reminder that the oath to uphold the Constitution isn’t just empty words – it’s a sacred duty.

“As an officer of the court, I cannot and will not enforce something that is clearly unconstitutional.”

Even more telling was the refusal of New Mexico’s Attorney General, Raúl Torrez, to defend the 30-day firearm prohibition. When a state’s top law enforcement official won’t stand behind such an order, it speaks volumes about its legality and wisdom.

A Victory for Constitutional Rights

The governor’s eventual retreat, amending the order to focus only on public parks and playgrounds, is a clear victory for Second Amendment advocates. However, this narrowed focus still represents an unacceptable infringement on the rights of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves and their families.


This entire debacle serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing threats to our constitutional rights. It highlights the need for constant vigilance and the importance of electing officials who respect and uphold the Constitution. The Second Amendment isn’t a suggestion – it’s a fundamental right that protects all others.

The Fight Continues

While this particular battle may have been won so far, the war on our Second Amendment rights continues. Left-leaning politicians and activists persistently seek new ways to erode our freedoms, often under the guise of public safety. It’s crucial that we remain alert and ready to defend our rights at every turn.

As concerned citizens, we must continue to support organizations and legislators who fight to protect our constitutional rights. The rapid response to Governor Lujan Grisham’s overreach demonstrates the power of an engaged and vigilant populace. Let this serve as a rallying cry for all who cherish liberty – our rights are only as secure as our willingness to defend them.

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