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- “Follow The Silenced” highlights the stories of individuals who suffered severe injuries after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, revealing a campaign to conceal the true scope of these injuries and suppress those who speak out.
- The film features the experiences of Brianne Dressen and Ernest Ramirez Sr., whose lives were irreversibly altered by vaccine-related injuries and who faced censorship when trying to share their stories.
- Dressen and Ramirez’s attempts to raise awareness about vaccine injuries were repeatedly suppressed on social media and crowdfunding platforms, leading to a legal challenge against the federal government and social media companies.
- The documentary exposes an alleged illegal censorship campaign by the federal government and Stanford University in collaboration with social media companies, which has violated the First Amendment rights of vaccine injury victims.
- “Follow The Silenced” calls for transparency, accountability and free speech in the ongoing conversation about COVID-19 vaccines, as the voices of those once silenced demand to be heard.
Article by Ramon Tomey, republished with permission from Naturalnews.com
A new documentary, “Follow The Silenced,” sheds light on the often-overlooked stories of individuals who suffered severe injuries after being injected with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.
The film, three years in the making, chronicles the lives of everyday Americans who were abandoned by the medical establishment, pharmaceutical companies and even the government after experiencing adverse reactions to the vaccines. At its core, the documentary exposes a disturbing campaign to conceal the true scope of these injuries and the censorship faced by those who dared to speak out.
The film highlights the struggles of individuals like Brianne Dressen and Ernest Ramirez Sr., whose lives were irrevocably altered by the vaccines. Dressen, a former teacher from Utah, volunteered for the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine trials – only to suffer debilitating injuries that left her unable to perform basic tasks. Ramirez, a grieving father from Texas, lost his 16-year-old son Ernesto Jr. just days after the teenager received the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
Both Dressen and Ramirez found themselves silenced and censored when they attempted to share their stories, underscoring the broader issue of medical and governmental suppression of vaccine injury narratives. The documentary serves as a call to action, urging viewers to question the narratives pushed by federal agencies and pharmaceutical companies and to demand transparency and accountability.
Matthew Lynn Guthrie serves as director, while independent filmmaker Mikki Willis of the “Plandemic” film series serves as one of the producers. Lawyer and health freedom advocate Tom Renz and former Pfizer executive-turned-whistleblower Brooke Jackson also make appearances.
Censored voices FIGHT BACK against social media suppression
“Follow The Silenced” expounds on the censorship faced by Dressen and Ramirez. Dressen’s story of vaccine injury was repeatedly suppressed on social media platforms, where algorithms flagged her posts as misinformation.
Similarly, Ramirez faced censorship when GoFundMe removed his fundraiser aimed at raising awareness about the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccine following his son’s death. The platform claimed his campaign violated its terms of service, stripping him of donations and silencing his voice.
Undeterred, Ramirez turned to alternative crowdfunding platforms and has since become a vocal advocate, sharing his son’s story at rallies across the country. Ramirez’s grief is palpable as he recounts the loss of his son, a vibrant teenager who loved baseball and was beloved by all who knew him.
Even worse, however, is the egregious bribery attempt by the federal government to silence Ramirez – something he reveals in the film. The mourning father recounted how the Federal Emergency Management Agency offered him money to change his son’s cause of death – from an enlarged heart caused by the vaccine to COVID-19 infection. (Related: Deep state deception: FEMA bribed father to falsify death certificate in latest covid vaccine cover-up.)
But Dressen and Ramirez have also pushed back, taking the federal government to court over its suppression of their stories. Several plaintiffs, including the two, sought the help of the New Civil Liberties Alliance in the Dressen, et al. v. Flaherty lawsuit.
The case alleges that the federal government and Stanford University collaborated with social media companies to monitor and censor discussions about COVID-19 vaccines, including support groups for vaccine injury victims. This illegal censorship campaign has violated the First Amendment rights of individuals like Dressen and Ramirez, who have been forced to use codewords in private support groups to avoid having their posts flagged or removed.
As “Follow The Silenced” makes clear, the stories of Dressen, Ramirez and countless others highlight the urgent need for transparency, accountability and free speech in the ongoing conversation about COVID-19 vaccines. Their voices, once silenced, are now breaking through, demanding to be heard.
MedicalCensorship.com has more similar stories.
Watch Brianne Dressen testifying that doctors “blamed anything but the vaccines” for her vaccine injuries during a hearing sponsored by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) on COVID-19 vaccine damage.
This video is from The Big Logic channel on Brighteon.com.
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Sources include:
REVEALED: One Simple Hack to Detox from the COVID Vaccine
270,000,000 Americans received the COVID-19 shot, with disastrous results.
Beyond the millions who reported severe adverse reactions to the shot to the CDC, tens of millions more have reported prolonged negative symptoms that they just can’t seem to shake off:
Brain fog
Loss of appetite
Anxiety & depression
Constant tiredness
Joint pain
Reproductive problems
Digestive issues
Sadly, millions of Americans are living with post-vaccine symptoms and accepting them as a new reality. It doesn’t have to be this way. While government health agencies refuse to acknowledge the issue of vaccine damage to the body, freedom-fighting doctors are stepping up to restore health and save lives.
Don’t normalize sickness.
Dr. Peter McCullough, cardiologist and America’s leading COVID-19 expert, treats hundreds of patients in his clinic with a wide range post-vaccine symptoms. Like millions of others, these patients refuse to “normalize” their symptoms and will stop at nothing to get their health back.
Says Dr. McCullough:
“Far and away the most common question I get from those who took one of the COVID-19 vaccines is: ‘how do I get this out of my body?’… At three and one half years into the pandemic and two and a half years into the COVID-19 vaccine debacle, myself and my clinic partners formulated a baseline regimen upon which additional drugs or agents can be added.”
A simple solution.
Dr. McCullough continues,
“We searched the literature for all available sources of evidence for products that can aid the human body in breaking down and catabolizing the Spike protein. We found nattokinase, which additionally has fibrinolytic properties which are advantageous in the prothrombotic milieu induced by the persistent Spike protein…
Out of all the available therapies I have used in my practice and among all the proposed detoxification agents, I believe nattokinase and related peptides hold the greatest promise for patients at this time.”
This groundbreaking discovery catalyzed Dr. McCullough to design The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase. To-date, tens of thousands of people have tried Spike Support and the results have been nothing short of miraculous:
Feeling so much better! I decided to try Spike Support after talking with a friend that recommended this product. I had 2 Covid shots because my husband has degenerative heart condition and our doctor said to get the shots. He had no side effects but I ended up with an erratic racing heart beat and had problem with ringing ears, tasting and smelling, even though I never had Covid. I have taken this product for 2 months now and noticed a difference in lots of things. No more racing heart beat, I’m smelling and tasting things better and my anxiety has subsided. – Audrey H.
Worked for me: I have taken three of the mRNA vaxxes – I’ll never take another one again. The skin on my hands peeled after the 3rd vax, especially around my nails, to the point where I had deep, bleeding, incredibly painful fissures and cracks… I am sure the vax is what caused my skin problems as well – I’d never had this before being vaxxed. Bought the Spike Support as a desperate measure. Noticed about three weeks after I started taking Spike Support, the peeling, cracks and fissures around my fingertips, and under and around my nails have not only stopped but healed up. My hands are 95% better now. I am sure the Spike Support is what stopped it. – Barbara B.
Spike protein recovery: This product has tremendously help me on recovering my heath and I highly recommend this product anyone that has long Covid or in the vaccine. – Estela M.
If you or someone you love needs nattokinase, The Wellness Company’s “Spike Support Formula” contains nattokinase plus other extracts known to help the body detox from spike protein exposure – both from the vaccine and from COVID19.
In The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula you will find:
Nattokinase (dissolves spike protein)
Selenium (aids in helping the body repair itself and recover)
Dandelion root (acts as a detoxifying agent supporting better liver function)
Black sativa extract (may facilitate cellular repair)
Green tea extract (provides added defenses at the cellular level through scavenging for free radicals)
Irish sea moss (could help rebuild damaged tissue and muscle)
On The Wellness Company’s website, you will see that purchasing all the individual components of the Spike Support Formula would be over $100. You save 36% with the unique formulation of The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula.
Click here to order the Spike Support Formula today.
(Note: Thank you for supporting businesses like our trusted partners in this article and ordering through the links in this article, which benefits WLTReport. We appreciate your support and the opportunity to help you stay HEALTHY!)
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