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Fani Willis Hates People “Running They Mouf” and Calling Her “Fanny” * * by Noah

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This was the laugh I needed today…

You know Fani Willis?

Did you know it’s apparently not pronounced “Fanny”?

Who knew!

But she is very, very, very upset at it you guys!  She’s super serious!

Collin Rugg reports:

NEW: Fulton County DA Fani Willis goes off on people “running they mouf” who are pronouncing her name wrong.

I was today years old when I realized we were saying her name wrong this whole time.

The comments came during a speech at the Turner Chapel AME Church.

“While they over there running they mouf, I’m over here paying them no mind.”

“I’m so tired of hearing these id*ots call my name as ‘Fanny,’ in a way to attempt to humiliate me. Because like silly schoolboys, the name reminds them of a rear.”

“I am too busy working 15-hour days trying to use every talent God gave me to fulfill my God-given purpose,” Willis said during another part of the speech.

Backup video here if needed:

It’s only 24 seconds but there is so much gold in here to break down….

Oh my I haven’t had this good of a laugh in a long time!

Ok, let’s start with the very beginning, where she takes a butcher knife to the English language talking about people “running they mouf”.

Oh my, Fanny look, that’s bad ok?

How in the world did you get a Law Degree when you just butchered 2 of the 3 words in that short phrase?

It’s not Running THEY MOUF…..

It’s Running Their Mouth Fanny, Good Lord!

Is this what they call a DEI Law Degree?

Ok, I have to move on because there is so much gold beyond just these first few words.

Then we go to her complaint about “these idiots” call my name as Fanny….

Ok, gotta stop you there again Fanny.

We call you Fani because that’s how your name is spelled.

As Collin writes, I was today years old when I learned that’s not how you pronounce it.

May I suggest you take the issue up with your parents who gave you this God-awful name?

Your beef is with them, not with us.

Oh, also….you’re mad at us calling you by the name exactly the way it is spelled, but you are allowed to call us “idiots”?

You clean up your MOUF Fanny!  That’s not kind to call us idiots!

Then we end with the best part….

Fanny never learned that the very last thing you want to do is let someone know they have gotten under your skin.

She blew that one Big League (as they say)!

Also, I love how she actually feels the need to spell it out for everyone that “Fanny” reminds everyone of a woman’s rear!

Yes, you do Fanny!

Errrr, I mean “yes it does Fanny!”

How in the world did this woman ever get a Law Degree?

That’s actually the easier part….how in the world did she ever pass the Bar Exam?

But as long as we’re talking about “Big Fat Fanny” and her apparent lack of intelligence, I can’t help but be reminded of the time she wore her dress backwards to Court!


Anyone else remember this?

Did Fani Willis Wear Her Dress Backwards To Court?

And yes, if you expected I would take this opportunity to play you may favorite song of all time, you’d be 100% right.

Please enjoy:


After last night’s MASSIVE MAGA Rally in South Dakota, I have to say it again…

Everything right now feels like 2015/2016 repeating itself.

MAGA Rallies are back…

The energy is back…

The HOPE for the future is back…

And Memes are back!

This one was released a few weeks ago, but I randomly got one line stuck in my head this morning:  HOLLA WE WANT D-TRUMP! WE WANT D-TRUMP!

Feels like an anthem right now.

We’re done messing around.

It’s time for the RETRIBUTION PRESIDENT…and it’s going to be historic!

Now back to the video and the incredible talent it took to make this.

Not only did they have to get the visuals but then write the script and make Trump’s voice sing perfectly.

It’s so good!

Please enjoy:

Backup here on YouTube at least for right now:

Rumble Backup:

I can’t even pick a favorite line, so many good ones…

If it’s not the chorus  “But Fatty only make my lead bigger” then I think MAYBE it would have to be “You will see her at the Court House, Call Her Fatty Willis”:

Humor and satire always hit stronger than most anything else.

Reaction is off the charts:

If you want more, we actually covered this same incredible team a few days ago.

Here’s another gem:

Meet “Rhonda Santis”

I don’t know what level of AI sorcery created this, all I can say is it’s freaky, it’s hilarious and it’s dead on perfect!

Called by some “Rhonda Santis” this is some wizardly combination of Ron DeSantis and Hillary Clinton.

The more you watch, the freakier it gets!

I can’t tell where Ron starts and Hillary begins….and vice versa.

The audio….

The visual….

It’s uncanny.

Just watch for yourself:

Even Don Jr. has started sharing the “Ronda Santis” memes:

“Why am I not up 50 points in the polls?”

I have no idea how they did this, but this is perfection:

Per the watermark, credit appears to go to the Dilley Meme Team.

Well done fellas and/or ladies!

And also from the Dilley Meme Team, this one is so good…

How do they do this?



This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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