New York: Thursday, February 13, 2025
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Catherine Herridge Is Suddenly In Guantanamo Bay Investigating Military Trials! * * by Noah

NEWS HEADLINES: Catherine Herridge Is Suddenly In Guantanamo Bay Investigating Military Trials! * * by Noah

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Things are moving at an absolutely BREAKNECK pace today….

I knew they would, I warned everyone weeks in advance, but it’s still quite incredible to watch!

And it’s not all just President Trump.

It’s like an entire machine has suddenly been set in motion.

We have things like “Joe Biden” suddenly revoking “Devolution” and EO 13961:

DEVOLUTION OVER? “Joe Biden” Revokes Most of Executive Order 13961

And then we have former CBS reporter Catherine Herridge suddenly in Guantanamo Bay suddenly investigating military trials.

What incredible timing!

You mean to tell me for the past four years we’ve all talked about Military Tribunals happening at Guantanamo Bay, and Derek Johnson has shown the military airplane flight paths going to and from Guantanamo on a daily basis….and now on the day of President Trump’s Inauguration Catherine Herridge is suddenly down there covering it all?

Do you believe in “coincidences”?

How about the mother of all coincidences?

It started with this:

Full screen video player here:


Catherine Herridge:

We’re on our way to GITMO.

I’m traveling this beach to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
We’ve just arrived at the airport, and now we’re taking the ferry over to Camp Justice.
That’s home to the military trials and the military courts. Of course, the big case is the 9/11 prosecution.
There is so much, um, secrecy, uh, around this entire base.

There are a lot of things that we would like to show you, but they’re off limits.
They’re restricted for national security reasons. Striking to me is that so many Americans
don’t even realize that the detention camps are still open. The military trials
have still not, and I just thought it was time to check it again from AIC to really see what was happening here.

As the Trump Administration begins its first 100 days in office, we are at Guantanamo Bay,
and we’ll be reporting from here at Camp Justice. We’ll be inside the courtrooms.
We’ll have updates on the status of the military trials as well as the detention camps.
This new Administration is going to have to make some hard choices about the future of this operation.

And then she added this:

Full screen video player here:



As the Trump Administration begins its first 100 days in office,
we are at Guantanamo Bay and we’ll be reporting from here
at Camp Justice. We’ll be inside the courtrooms.
We’ll have updates on the status of the military trials,

as well as the detention camps. This new Administration is going
to have to make some hard choices about the future
of this operation.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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